Some Background

SQL Server ensures that all changes to the database, either data or structures such as indexes, are preserved by first writing to the transaction log file, than then writing to the physical database.

SQL Server only uses one transaction log per database at a single point in time. It starts writing copies of the changes made at the “front” of the log file, and as changes are committed (written to the physical database) it releases space in the transaction log for reuse. This is called a “round robin” architecture.

SQL Server manages space in the transaction log via VLFs – virtual log files. Inside the one tlog file are a bunch of VLFs – smaller chunks of space that are easier for the SQL Server to manage. Despite the size of a single database, there’s no fixed size for a VLF, and no fixed number of VLFs per physical tlog file, although it’s not uncommon for a tlog file to start life with 4 or 8 VLFs.

SQL Server tlog with VLFs

The space in a VLF is reused when all the transactions/changes stored in that VLF have been written to the physical database following COMMIT records that have been issued for these operations.

What causes the number of VLFs to grow?

Lack of tlog backups and open transactions, mostly.

IF the SQL Recovery Model is set to FULL or BULK-LOGGED and transaction log backups are never taken or are taken too infrequently, then SQL Server never has a chance to clear out the VLFs which have committed changes, so it must continue adding new VLFs to the stack.

IF there is an open transaction, i.e. no COMMIT statement has been issued to “close out” the transaction, then SQL Server has no option but to leave those VLFs which contain portions of the open transaction (“active” VLFs) untouched. And, since it must continue writing copies of other changes that are taking place in the database, it must add new VLFs to the stack.

The only way that SQL Server can add new VLFs to the stack is if auto-grow is enabled. Otherwise, SQL Server will report an “out of space in the log” error and stop processing transactions.

Trivia Fact: when the SQL Server tlog file (auto-)grows between 1-64MB, it adds 4 VLFs to the stack. When it grows between 64-9999MB, it adds 8 VLFs to the stack. When it grows more than 1GB, it adds 16 VLFs to the stack. The default SQL Server auto-grow size is 10%, which means that, as the tlog continues to grow, each set of VLFs created will be a slightly larger size than the previous set.

Trivia Question: if a SQL Server database is created with the default values (tlog file = 10MB), by the time the tlog file has auto-grown to 500MB (1/2 GB), how many VLFs will there be?

Trivia Answer: 200 VLFs

Why is this such a big deal?

Today’s databases are usually large, measuring in GBs (1000 MB = 1 GB) rather than MBs. It’s not unusual to have a 50GB tlog file, and if it’s auto-growing at 10MB per growth segment, the VLF count will be on the order of 20,000.

Too many VLFs impact database operations:

  • Inserts, updates and deletes take longer;
  • Database startup takes longer;
  • Database restores take longer;
  • Database backups are larger because all “active” VLFs (from open transactions) must be backed up;
  • Tlog file fragmentation; SQL Server must search for the appropriate VLF whenever writing to the log file or clearing a VLF for reuse.


Is there a problem if VLFs get too big?

Yes. Overly large VLFs (4GB, for instance) can lead to performance problems, also. Clearing a very large VLF takes a long time and takes resources away from transaction processing. Very large VLFs also take more time to be released from the “active” status, since they store so many more changes than a regularly-sized VLF, so this may result in SQL Server having to create even more very large VLFs.

What’s the Solution?

There is no hard and fast rule as to how many VLFs any database should have.

  • Too many VLFs result in tlog fragmentation and the impacts listed above;
  • Too few and very large VLFs cause slow performance.

The goal: have the tlog be as large as necessary, with a reasonable autogrow increment (example: 128MB, or some similar number divisible by 4 or 8 or 16).

How to “Fix” a Tlog File With Lots of VLFs…

  1. Figure out how large the log size should be for the database in question:
    1. How much data is being added to the database in one year’s time?
    2. How often are index rebuilds being done?
    3. Are there excessively-long transactions that are running against the database? Can they be shortened?
    4. Is data being bulk-loaded into the database on a regular basis? How much and when?
    5. What’s the disk usage history? (applies only to mature databases…)
  2. Shrink the tlog to the smallest size possible.
    1. Use the dbcc shrinkfile command to shrink the log file, and do it in increments, within a maintenance window.
  3. Re-grow the tlog file to an appropriate size, again in increments, within the same maintenance window.
    1. Growing too fast can result in too-large VLFs
    2. Use the alter database modify file command to incrementally grow the existing log file
  4. Check the auto-grow settings and adjust to the new database tlog sizing.



— get the file layout, the amount of space used AND the number of VLFs for each database ————

EXECUTE master.dbo.sp_MSforeachdb ‘USE [?];

exec sp_helpfile; exec sp_spaceused; dbcc loginfo;



— get a full report on file conditions for a database ————

Select DB_NAME() AS [DatabaseName], Name, physical_name,

Cast(Cast(Round(cast(size as decimal) * 8.0/1024.0,2) as decimal(18,2)) as nvarchar) Size,

Cast(Cast(Round(cast(size as decimal) * 8.0/1024.0,2)

as decimal(18,2)) – Cast(FILEPROPERTY(name, ‘SpaceUsed’) * 8.0/1024.0 as decimal(18,2)) as nvarchar) As FreeSpace

From sys.database_files


— check the number of VLFs and force a checkpoint ———-

dbcc loginfo






NOTE: if the database is small enough to be backed up twice during the maintenance window, then switching the recovery model from FULL to SIMPLE back to FULL will work. Otherwise, don’t switch, leave at FULL or BULK-LOGGED, and incrementally shrink the log file, running the dbcc shrinkfile command multiple times.



— take full db backup —————————-


TO DISK = N’Z:\SSRSbkups\model\model_full_bkup_20151116_before.BAK’

WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N’model Full Database Backup’,



— if the recovery model is not SIMPLE then back up the translog —-


TO DISK = N’Z:\SSRSbkups\model\model\model_log_bkup.TRN’

WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N’model Tlog Backup’,




— determine the recovery model —————

select databasepropertyex(‘model’, ‘recovery’)



— set db to simple recovery model —————————-




— shrink the log file —————————-

— VLFs are created in sets of 4, 8 or 16 ———

DBCC SHRINKFILE (N’modellog’ , 4)




— check the number of VLFs

dbcc loginfo                — 8



— set db back to its normal recovery model —————————-





— check the recovery model —————

select databasepropertyex(‘model’, ‘recovery’)



Increase the size of the transaction log file:

USE [master]


ALTER DATABASE [AdventureWorks2014] MODIFY FILE (NAME = N’AdventureWorks2014_Log’, SIZE = 20480KB )



— take full db backup —————————-

— since the recovery model was switched from FULL to SIMPLE back to FULL,

— it’s highly probable that any transaction log backup taken from this point forward

— would not work with the full backup taken prior to the start of this process…



TO DISK = N’Z:\SSRSbkups\model\model_full_bkup_20151116_after.BAK’

WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N’model Full Database Backup’,



— if the recovery model is not SIMPLE then back up the translog —-


TO DISK = N’Z:\SSRSbkups\model\model\model_log_bkup.TRN’

WITH NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N’model Tlog Backup’,



/*  an extra bit of code */


— if you suspect an open transaction, identify it


USE master


SELECT * FROM sysprocesses WHERE open_tran = 1 order by last_batch desc


USE Model




To Learn More About SQL Server Transaction Log Files:

Brent Ozar – Jess Borland video (20min): http://brentozar.com/go/vlf

Thomas LaRock: http://thomaslarock.com/2012/08/the-trouble-with-transaction-logs/

Sebastian Meine: http://sqlity.net/en/1805/eight-reasons-transaction-log-files-keep-growing/

Michelle Gutzeit: http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/tip/Testing-transaction-log-autogrowth-behavior-in-SQL-Server

Greg Larsen: https://www.simple-talk.com/sql/database-administration/sql-server-transaction-log-fragmentation-a-primer/

Paul S. Randall: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/2009.02.logging.aspx

Ivan Stankovic: http://www.sqlshack.com/top-10-articles-sql-server-transaction-log/


SQL Server 2014 – Enterprise Features to Get Excited About

Workhorse 7006869978_cb337bb7da_zSQL Server 2014 is a new breed of workhorse in the Microsoft stables. Last week I attended a webcast given by Mike Otey, Senior Consultant for SQL Server Pro magazine and President of TECA Inc., in which he highlights the amazing new and improved features offered by the Enterprise Edition of 2014.

If you haven’t had a chance to start investigating SQL Server 2014 yet, this is a quick (and painless) way to get started. Mike will give you plenty of reason to research further, and if you’re considering a move to 2014 Enterprise, this will help orient you to the 2014 feature set.

Mike’s webcast, along with presentations from his colleagues at Cisco, is available on demand for the next year at

Thank you for your interest in SQL Server 2014 Enterprise and its features. I hope you enjoy Mike’s webcast. If you’d like to learn more about our products and services, give me a call today at +1 303.526.1839 or click over to www.MountVernonDataSystems.com. If you’re new at the database administration game, check out Coach-in-a-Can® at https://mountvernondatasystems.com/coach-in-a-can.html




Big Data



Today’s posting is for those BIG DATA dudes and dudettes, and those folks who are starting to assemble big data stores, who are faced with issues of how to wrangle database design and data modeling in their big data world.

If you’ve been a follower of the SQLmag for any length of time, you know that my forte is data modeling and database design. Lately, I’ve been encountering discussions about big data, NOSQL, (or Not Only SQL, as some call it) and how, in a big data world, data modeling is not required.

In my dim and distant past, I was heavily involved in big data modeling and processing with oil and gas exploration. By today’s standards, the volume and velocity of data gathered would be considered small, but for the computing power of the day, it qualified as “big data”. We definitely modeled the data, otherwise there would have been no way to analyze and use the data being gathered, and we would never have been able to intelligently spot the next drill site.

Which is why I don’t understand the NOSQL concept of the “no data modeling” paradigm…what exactly does that mean? Does that mean no data modeling at all and all of the data is just dumped into a big pile (heap structure) so that when you retrieve data you have to start at the beginning and search through, reading all the data to the end until you find what you’re looking for (table scan)? Probably not. Obviously there’s got to be data modeling or data organization going on somewhere.

In the business world, transactional data is modeled via a set of rules and methods so that updates, inserts, and deletes don’t invalidate the integrity of the data, and select operations are optimized (we hope!). But what do you do for big data? How do you handle data modeling in a business Big Data World? How are you addressing organization within the massive scale that big data presents?

What is your approach? I’d really like to hear from  you, I’d really like to get your input on this subject. I’m very curious!

To view this post in my company blog go to https://www.mountvernondatasystems.com/blog/big-data-to-model-or-not-to-model

Why Are We All Not Great SQL Server DBAs?

We know we’re good; we know we can be better. But too many times, stuff gets in our way. So what is it that’s preventing us from doing not just a good job, but a great job; what is holding us back from becoming a great DBA?

– Is there not enough time in the day to address all the issues that you have on your to-do list?

– Are you not feeling comfortable with the challenges presented to you? I know, this is a hard one to admit, but it hits us — each and every one of us — at some point in our careers!

– Do you feel that there’s a lack of communication with your peer group? (Who is your peer group?)

– Do you feel that you are experiencing a lack of communication and understanding with your management?

– Do you feel like you have a lack of control over your working environment? How would you like to change that?

– Do you have a lack of tools which might – could – would help you get the work done right – better – best?

– Do you feel like you lack certain skills, or that the technology is moving faster than your ability to assimilate the information? I know I feel that way, every time Microsoft releases a new version of SQL Server!

– Do you feel like you’re lacking skilled staffers, and in which quarters?

– Do you feel like you’re lacking adequate support from your peers and/or your management. What would you like to happen, that might be able to fix that?

– And lastly, fill in the blank: Do you feel that ____________________________.

No, this is not a discussion about techniques and tips, but it will help expose some of the common issues which are prevalent among SQL Server DBAs. In doing so, maybe we can get to the some of the root causes of why we’re not all great DBAs!